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Date Posted:12/13/2016 11:45 PMCopy HTML ....
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Re:Stinson Hunter chronological Date Posted:12/13/2016 11:48 PMCopy HTML Samantha Bissett Watch the crime watch interviews. She said that maddie asked one morning that she woke up and her parents wasnt there. So kate said " so the next night we made sure she didnt wake up!. I think they drugged the kids to sleep and overdosed maddie. She didnt want to lose her job or her other kids so they hid her body. I dont think we will ever know the truth. Carol Weatherall They know what happened to her because they did it .. they make me so made !!!!! I honestly don't know how there still walking free and have there other kids living with them ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() John Harris I believe that the McCann's have been connected to a Peado ring they were certainly in contact with Clement Freud a known Peado so if this is the case there will be a lot of high profile people involved hence why I think there is a massive cover up.Why did Kate refuse to answer any question and has always refused a Lie detector test .They both have something to hide. Kelly Michelle Coulton Disgusting how long this case as been going on and there just lieing all the way they need locking up in jail 4 neglect Different countrie oh not still left a child makes me sick how much money will of been spent on this case when they no they done something 2 her Angela Dodd If you've followed the story from the very beginning the parents were just very selfish and ignorant. My children at that age came out with us on holiday for the evening(I know people who have sat in night after night rather than keep the kids up, no holiday that) until very late and yes they could be a pain as out of their routine but it was a family holiday. They wanted the kids out the way kept in their routine and it's the price they paid, unfortunately. I couldn't even rest and sit on the balcony on holiday for fear they'd fall out the beds and smash their head on the tiled floor nevermind go and sit in the Hotel restaurant/bar round the corner. KT Bomar Harper how wil any of us ever know...but in my opinion they did not do it, yes guilty of leaving the kids alone...but no not them. i want to beleive this and unless i get shown diffrent i will carry on with such beleifs. why would they, what would they gain, where would this take them only to hell in how they have been talked about, berated, judged, and discussed in the media. your all blaming 2 parents who loved their 3 kids, and in doing so a killer or kidnapper or whatever else he\she or they are is walking free.my opinion and im entitled to it. Jules Baxter A kidnapper would have to known for sure that the kids were in there alone with no baby sitter before they attempted to enter the apartment also if you think about snatching a kid Maddies age she was old enough to scream the apartment and resort down f...See More Rachael Anne Wasn't there reports of a man watching the apartment days before and also a man walking down the road with a child in his arms on the night of Madeira disappearance Margaret Heaps Well if I could get a psychic detective on the case . All will be revealed !!! The police could get one in as they use them a lot , they only need to take them to the hotel room and they will tell the police what happened . Solved.. Margaret Heaps I do but they need to get some new clues and use a well known psychic. X Mick J Wareing True hun as every one else has sed thay r both guilty.. who would leve there kid in a room on there own in a difrant country.. me and caz went away as kid was young I'd stay in or caz did never would dream off leve in them on there own .... Mark Stanley When being asked questions that could have helped the police find their daughter ( this was before they we're suspects) they answered no comment. Why would any innocent parent not do everything to find their daughter. Susan Cattell They have something over someone in power somewhere along the line At the very least they should of been charged with negligence Let alone murder Fact is the child died say what u like about police doing this and that but animals i.e. The two dogs smelt death on Kate's clothes and in the boot of the hire car so clearly a body was both on Kate and also in that boot dogs can't lie they have no hidden agenda Also why spend all the money you Made on the back of that dead child shutting people up through the courts When the money as actually given to fund a search And don't even get me started on body language Because all I will say there is take a look Ben needhams mother pain etched on her face tears even years later Then look at Kate mcscam Don't think much else to be said apart from I hope and pray before I die I really really want to know the truth and where that poor babies body lies Because with all the power behind them justice isn't something that poor baby's going to get ![]() ![]() Lynn Black I'm sorry if this was a kidnapping why didn't they take the youngest children that couldn't speak? I believe they killed her accidentally by sedating her and disposed of the body. How they never faced prostitution for neglect I don't know but I guess w...See More Hannah Butler Her parents neglected her and drugged her, personally i think they killed her either by accident or on purpose. What kind of mother plays tennis the day after their child goes missing or washes the smell of that child off of her teddy, when my sister died my mum kept the jumper she always wore because it smelled like her and she hasn't washed it in 10years. Andrew Hurworth So you done this big build up saying you'd be posting your thoughts at 7'30pm tonight for you to basically say you've no idea and ask everyone's opinion? That didn't require the big build up surely Stinson? Lorraine Woolf I have read so much (including a few books) about this case.... My personal opinion (& it is just that, my PERSONAL opinion) is that the parents were not involved in any way. Obviously they are guilty of both neglect & selfishness - for which they have to pay a price for the rest of their lives. There are 2 possibilities - 1) she was targeted by someone but is no longer alive due to all the publicity 2) she wandered off that night looking for her parents. I recall hearing that a road was being built just around the corner from their holiday apartment - local police did nothing to stop the roadworks going on within a few hours of the report of her going missing - could she have fallen & therefore be buried under said road? Michelle Williams I actually think it's unlikely they were responsible for her disappearance. No they should not have left there children unattended. But ... they were vacationing. Relaxed / there guards down. I think they thought they had put into place everything to cover all possible scenarios. It doesn't make it right / it just doesn't mean they harmed there own child. I think whatever the most negative of us think and say. What they think and say and feel about the fact they were drinking - eating / socialising while some person stole there child. Do any of us really believe they haven't punished themselves everyday since her disappearance. We have all been guilty of taking our eye of the ball thankfully few of us have had such tragic consequences. They didn't beat , starve , sexually abuse there children - they went out , were a few metres from them. Left them in what I imagine they believe was a place of safety. Took turns checking on them hourly etc. Ben the boy who disappeared in Kos - was unattended outside in the garden. There was a time mothers routinely left there babies sleeping in pushchairs outside shops. Or in Parma outside there front doors. They lost a child and undoubtably have punished themselves and suffered since the moment they realised she was gone. The people/person who stole her / it's them that are guilty - I just don't think people should judge as harshly as they are doing. Children routinely wander of - they can only do so if they are not being watched properly. Yes they left there children unsupervised but they are being vilified. Carla Barratt People saying they did it. How have 2 police forces missed this if this is the case. I feel that if they did it, there would have been some evidence left that someone would have found by now. Not convinced it was them. But like you say. Who knows?!?! Carla Barratt Then why not arrest them and charge them?? If there is as much evidence as people say there is. Surely it's an open and shut case? Pippa Rom I do not believe they are guilty of her murder or her abduction. Nor do I believe they are part of a cover up. They made a terrible mistake to leave her in that room and give whatever child-trafficker/ paedophile was watching 20 mins interval to take her, but I do not believe they were involved. Rachel Singleton Too much evidence pointing the way of the McCanns to not consider that they are guilty. Why did the cadavar dogs evidence get brushed under the carpet, why did Kate refuse to answer 48 of the police questions put to her, why were the tapas 9 statements full of holes, why did they say that the shutters had been 'jemmied' when in actual fact they had never been touched, why did they release details of her eye to the press when they were told not to incase it put Maddie in more danger, why is the money donated to the Madeleine McCann fund being spent on hushing people instead of spending it on the intended purpose which is to find Maddie, I could go on all night. What really gets me is why would Kate, upon finding her beautiful Daughter missing, tell everyone that they have taken her. Who are 'they' Kate? Would it not be a more reasonable response to think 'Oh shit the door to the apartment wasn't locked (by their own admission when confronted about the shutter not being jemmied), she has woken up and come looking for us, lets get out and look for her, quick before she gets into any danger'. Surely that would be your first thought! But it wasn't, why? Why would you automatically think 'they' had taken her. From what I know, they had no reason to believe that any 'theys' even existed, so why would you assume that 'they' had taken her. And if they did have reason to believe that some unsavoury people were lurking around, why the hell did they leave them. They didn't, because the whole abduction theory is a complete cover up to the fact that they know exactly what happened to that poor girl, so an abduction theory would buy them some compassion and make them look less guilty. I hope this pair of scumbags rot in hell. Even if Maddie was abducted, which there is absolutely NO evidence of, then why the hell have they not been hauled in front of a judge for neglect. Unfortunately the pair have many, many friends in some very high places. Makes me sick and my blood boil. All I can say is I hope that precious girl has found some peace in her heart, wherever the little darling may be! Dave Tongue I believe she is dead, but killed unintentionally. They admitted to sedating the children so they could go out (idiots, who does that in a foreign country) and she choked on her vomit. To try and cover up the neglect (to save their own bacon) they concocted the abduction story AFTER disposing of the body. I really don't think they imagined they would get quite this level of publicity. I would say it was the father's idea and the mother had to go along with it. That's the reason the dog's picked up the death scent and why "cuddle cat" was washed because it was covered in her sick. That's my 10 pennies worth for what it matters. Maybe one of them will confess eventually Hankin Clare Vicky I too believe that. But why if only sedated with childrens medication not just have it down as accidental death? Why the need to cover it up? Unless were sedated with unprescribed illegal meds? I too tbh dont think they ever thought it would get a 'big' a case as it is. Id like to hope with a sad heart she is resting in peace somewhere. Im not with the theory of peadophile gang, but pray to god it never happened.. being subjected to sickening torture and passed over as an object of depravity, id rather my child to have died. Shirl McMahon I found this all strange from the start. Why leave your kids in the care of so called babysitters then go for a meal and drinks. Sorry but if I had kids I would take my kids with me for a meal. In this day and age you can't trust no one with children unless you are 100% sure. I think it is suspicious. Lisa Ann Wade Isn't there a statistic that has shown 80% of crimes that involve the disappearance or harm of child involves a family member? Personally, I hate the inverse classism involved in this case. If the McCann's had been working class, you can bet that they'd have been charged with neglect and had their remaining children removed. I also think they should have suffered professional repercussions - surely leaving three under 4s like that contradicts their duty as doctors? If their personal judgement is that poor, imagine how bad their professional judgement is! My lingering feeling is that they were involved - there are too many things that don't add up. I have the same feeling with regards to JonBenet Ramsey too - both cases where I think the parents killed by accident and then made it look like a kidnapping... Helen King If they were not so financially secure...and didnt have such successful careers...I bet this case would never have had the funding nor the coverage.. they neglected 3 of their children!!!! If you love your child and risk assess everyday and never leave them alone then as a parent that is what is expected! All the money they have and they wont pay a babysitter....guilty as sin Trish Mcallister Said it from day 1 them pair are as guilty as hell !!! No innocent mother would wash their little girls teddy ![]() Shelby Rose-Charisse Davey I genuinely believe the mom/dad or someone they where with had a part in her dissaperence! If someone had broken in and taken the child why wouldn't they take the younger girl? The leaving the kids and going for a meal all seems like a massive cover up to me.. Who in the right mind would leave 3 children alone in there own home let alone in a different part of the world Regardless Neglect is at play big time Amy Ellis Her parents did this. 100% sure of it, and my mind will never change, blood found to be Madeline's in the hire car they had first of all. Which is from them moving her body. Why would any parent leave their child of that age alone to go and drink. I think they gave her something to help her sleep so they could go out but accidentally overdosed her. He knows everything about medication. They came back to find her dead and tried to make it look like kidnap! How on earth they have got away with this is beyond me! It'll come out one day that more than half the nation were right! Beccy Cane Twats!!! This reminds me of the story about the Dingo Baby that got taken, the press feeding the millions, saying this same old shit about them and years later proved innocent!! Just listen to you all.... I read this I read that I know more than the police!! bollocks does anyone but the police!!! Claire Louise Anderson The pj files are available to read online,,, its all there in black and white and boy does it make for painful reading! There is absolutely no doubt that little girl died in apartment 5a and her parents and their friends are all party to it in one way or another,,,, but the mcscams have protection from high places ie freemasons and suchlike! Also if you watch interviews with those two on youtube, kate slips up all the time! Steven Muncey Right.. buckle up.. 1st they are doctors, and it is quite possible they attempted to dope their kids to go to sleep. Possibly it went wrong and they had to create an elaborate hoax to get rid of Madeline. Evidence = 1: Madeleine's teddy was washed the very next day prior to being checked for evidence, why would some one do this? 2: blood/DNA belonging to Madeline found in their rental car they had AFTER her disappearance.. 3: they were photoed enjoying life with booze and friends playing badminton a couple of days after... who does that? 4: they systematically sue anyone with an idea that does not coincide to their "hoax" 5: consistently made money out of it from books and events etc and nothing to show for it. 6: they honestly didn't look massively bothered in the initial press conferences to the point of forced emotion. 7: who the fuck leaves their kids alone? .. let alone on holiday?! 8: they refuse questioning and lie detectors all offered free of charge. If it was my child I would do anything to help an investigation. she will never be found unfortunately because of these monsters. Ally Biggs thousands of kids go missing each day, satanic pedophile rings are operating everywhere even in government. My question is why do the Mcanns get money? whynot the familes of the other kids that go missing? dafuq is that all about...... Andrew McAllister SH, I believe there are two reasons to doubt the 'official line'. 1) They have screamed 'abduction' from day 1. And they continue to shoehorn that word into every (getting fewer) interview. There is no EVIDENCE OF AN ABDUCTION. 2) An experienced policeman investigated and concluded she died in the apartment. Two dogs, with a 100% success rate, found the same. There is EVIDENCE OF A DEATH. From there, form your own opinions of why they have hidden it? Nicola Jane McLoughlin My only thought when I 1st heard the little girl was missing was to ask the question "why did they leave the door unlocked" you wouldn't drink in your neighbours garden and leave your door unlocked never mind leave your children asleep in bed with your doors open for your child to walk out looking for you. Maybe she wasn't taken and has left the apartment looking for her mother & father which is why they the Police said the scene was tampered with from the inside to make it look like she was taken. Very sad and the thought of what happened to Madeleine is awful to even think about! Helen King I have 2 children asleep at 9 and 7 the shop is a 10 minute walk away...should I leave them for 20 minutes? My answer NO and thats in my own neighbourhood and town...afford that family holiday...dont leave them alone and drug them so they sleep while the parents get pissed!! Lorna Beard I can never understand that the McCanns went on a family holiday but chose to leave their 3 kids alone in a room while they dined and wined with their friends whereas their kids should have been with them at all times, what a very selfish and stupid decision they made. One good question ... how did they manage to get 3 kiddies asleep at same time !!!!!! Lisa Hunter Every time Kate and Gerry do interviews or have been on the news it's written all over her face... I agree with what most ppl are saying on her... They drugged maddie, went terribly wrong and they got rid of her body and people are covering up with the kidnap story...revolting they should have been put on Jeremy kyles lie detector then we'd see ... ![]() John Boothroyd If the British Army Soldiers can have an enquiry about them from over 50 years ago. They can re open their case of neglect, into their behaviour. Also the designated sitter for the children should be prosecuted for negligence. Lisa Smith They are 2 of the most corrupt people on this earth! I 100% think they had something to do with it! Whether that's accidentally overdosing her or something more sinister. Poor Little girl xx Mark Mitchinson I've watched a lot on this case recently and read a lot about it, there's loads of stuff on YouTube, if you'd asked me 3 months ago id a said the McCans are inocent, but since I watched and seen all the evidence against them, changing statements, refused lie detector! (Saying that if I were inocent I wouldn't like to take one of them) just so much stuff points to them, don't think they did it deliberately but they no wat happened I recon some sort of accident they try to cover up! The dogs smelling blood and dead bodies in the apartment, the body language documentry, they have massive quastions to answer! Really do recon they no the answers to wat happend to the poor girl! Nicola Cochrane I have said from day 1 THEY are responsible....THEY left the children on their own they werent as close to them as they claimed they were nowhere near close enough...they shouldnt of left them at all,there is something quite not right with these two cant quite put my finger on it but theres something...especially her! WHY did they refuse to answer tons of questions if they had nothing to hide? They definitely know whats happened to her David Best They parents know more than they are saying. They wouldn't answer 48 questions. They wouldn't do a police reconstruction. They didn't search for Maddie themselves. There guilty of child neglect at minimum they left 3 babies in a unlocked apartment so they could go to pub. Then someone had the bright idea to make Kate ambassador of missing children. When Kate first noticed Maddie gone she left the twins alone again to go back to pub and raise the alarm. I don't think you would do that in you thought a pedo had stolen your child. They set a fund up straight away to milk the public it was called the fighting fund it was for legal expenses and to sue people who disagree with their story. It wasn't for finding Madeleine. They never went on TV and offered money for Maddies safe return. And the McCanns did a runner from Portugal. And two cadaver dogs indicated death in the apartment and the hire car 3 weeks later. Paul Greaves Let's get one thing straight, if this happened over here in England, Kate and gerry would of been locked up in prison and their twins would of been placed on care. Now my own thoughts on this are as followed, 1) if it was a paedophile ring ordered to kidnap a child why did they a) target the macans, b) not take all the children. 2) Why did the apparent kidnappers wait till they were out having a meal? Could of happened anywhere, I.e on the beach, supermarket etc and 3) how was madeline dna found in an hire car the parents hired AFTER madeline went missing? My own personal feeling is that Kate and gerry, who are both highly educated and worked in the medical profession accidentally killed madeline, maybe with sedation medicine as to much can kill, and disposed of her body in the hire car they rented afterwards but because they are both professional people and knew they would lose their jobs and children whilst serving a prison sentence abroad is the reason why I firmly believe that they, the parents, are responsible for the death of madeline macann. |
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Re:Stinson Hunter chronological Date Posted:12/13/2016 11:49 PMCopy HTML |
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Re:Stinson Hunter chronological Date Posted:12/13/2016 11:52 PMCopy HTML
Lidia Lee And having your hair done two days after the disappearance?! And going for a jog the day after?! Washing the scent of your child off her favourite toy?! Refusing to take a polygraph test?! Stating the scent of death found on your clothing, and car was due to an autopsy taken out in the UK, when there were no records of such a thing?! Running into the hotel lobby shouting, "they've taken her, they've taken maddie" minutes after realising she was gone from her room?! How would she have known she was abducted at that stage and not just wandering about somewhere? The list goes on and on and on.......... murdering bastards! Susan Cattell Liam Pimblett Liam what's all this about I've heard that word a few times now so in a nutshell what's it about Claire Wood McCann files, its on youtube and 100% fact. How theyve got away with this is unbelievable ![]() Pamela Gurney You are following facebook groups who love nothing better than to mealymouth this family...libel them even. They are full of forum myths Stinson. I would suggest you follow the truth not these sad creatures from facebook hate groups. Karen Westie It's is my understanding that the DNA in the boot was inclusive. The media reported this as defo being the child's DNA in error Emily Davis Vikki Regan it was SO self centred! The inconvenience caused by the investigation like her going to police station! Moaning that the police took her diary for a few days! It was all to help the search for her daughter and she constantly expressed her disgust and inconvenience! Nikki Smith I believe that they loved her, but one selfish, stupid mistake of going out leaving her has caused them to devote all of this time and energy to finding her out of guilt Tina Steel I see the keyboard warriors are out in force!! I thought this would be a page with helpful links and just maybe a chance to help find Madeline. I was wrong. All these people with their nasty comments and amazing detective skills really get on my tits. I guess they have never made a mistake in their lives - the perfect parents!! Deborah Grumbley Mistake !!! Really leaving 3 small children on there own ... that's not a mistake ... that's there parents thinking if themselves no mistake Pamela Gurney If you want a forum for TRUTH take a look at Madeleine McCann Case: The Real Facts. there we will not tolerate abuse and we only deal in the truth. Pamela Gurney Yes these warriors are SMUG that they are the perfect parents who have never put a foot wrong in their lives and parenting days! I bet they have! Jodie Hayton It's crazy! It's amazing how they know the truth from reading stuff online yet Scotland Yard have thoroughly investigated and don't?! Talk about trial by Facebook ![]() Tina Steel Deborah Grumbley so you are a perfect parent? I don't believe there is such a thing. What they did was wrong if the children were left alone but that mistake will be with them for a lifetime. They certainly don't need keyboard warriors Simon Fox Rosie Pew She's saying Kate searched that night even though Kate said she didn't. And 'they've taken her' is a forum myth. She never goes further with evidence to the contrary. I think she should go back to making her orange and almond mince pies. Recipe on her MMc Facebook page. Nothing else worth reading. Mick Foster I suppose ben needhams family had something to do with disappearing too .......oh his parents aint doctors so it wont make a good debate stinson hunter Rachel Singleton The pain in Kerry Needhams face is plain to see, that woman has gone through hell. The McCanns faces however, not so much! Mick Foster This is still trial by media or mob rule .i say let the police do thier job and eventually the truth will come out Rachel Singleton Unfortunately if the McCanns want our money they also have to take our opinions Lindsey Green I don't think the Ben Needham case ever had the family in potential paedophile circles etc. Certain aspects of this case sit well with Stinsons line of investigation Jayne Codd They definitely had something to do with it,they had her blood in the boot of his car and tried to wash the evidence away!! That poor little girl ![]() Pamela Gurney No blood was ever found in the car apart from Gerry's on the key fob. You follow myths. Read John Lowe's report for yourself. Jayne Codd Sorry,I should've said DNA .and yes I've read the report,it sickens me!! Nick Wills Surely you will likely have your kids DNA all over your own car though? Pamela Gurney You didn't read the report properly then sadly. maybe read it again? Pamela Gurney Mary Martin they transported Madeleine things in the car when they moved from OC to the villa. Wayne Taylor Who drugs their kids, leaves them alone in a hotel room and then goes out drinking? And then, after one of the children 'go missing', make millions from book deals and tv interviews. If you want to know where Madeline is, ask the parents where they hid the body Shona Sutherland Biggart I have read a lot on this over the years and CANNOT believe the parents weren't investigated more. I think that all three kids were sedated so the parents could go out and 'enjoy' their evening, and that Madeleine woke up and tried to look out the window to find her parents. In doing this she fell down a gap between the sofa and window and subsequently died. When her parents found her they couldn't risk an autopsy which would then reveal she had been drugged. There a lots of facts to back this up , but it is only my opinion. Hopefully one day the truth will come out and finally get justice for that poor wee soul. Cat Fitzwilliam I totally agree with you, this has been my opinion since day one, the mother is a cold-hearted bitch, guilty as hell Cat Fitzwilliam I totally agree with you, this has been my opinion since day one, the mother is a cold-hearted bitch, guilty as hell Wendy Fyfe May I've often felt that Kate's lack of emotion and unanswered 40 questions with 'No comment' shows there is something not right. Any normal mother would be screaming from the rooftops if this had happened to them....not played tennis the day after fgs! Elisha Smith A mother who has lost her daughter wouldnt be able to play tennis. I know i wouldnt Danny Spurling the story is these 2 peices of shit should have never left there children un attended in the first place they deserve what heartache they suffer Laura Dunsmore Drive me crazy aswell why the hell are they allowed to walk free let alone raise there other children and right a book plus make one is behond me!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Danny Spurling most familys have social services sniffign around due to people false allegations and they just get tret like a sorriful couple greif stricken, they should be put away Wend Conroy I formed my opinion and belief from a hell of a lot of hours reading through the actual evidence and police files. (I do not take what the media tells us as truth or even close to it) I completely believe that her parents are to blame and that they should be investigated properly and thoroughly. They have lied constantly, tried to silence people who speak out and refused to answer questions that they would have wanted to answer if they were innocent. Their 'story' (for that is what it is) does not make sense or fit with the evidence. Sammi Lloyd I totally agree. I've also read the police files etc and fully believe that she died in that room. Maybe by accident after they gave her too much sedition. Nikki Dean In the sea she won't be fount then sick people definitely killed her I also think they didn't do it on purpose and it was too much medication Wend Conroy I think from the evidence I have read that they placed her somewhere around the church then moved her afterwards. I think she was placed in a freezer of some kind which would explain the fluid and cadaver in the car they rented Sophie Jones Glad I'm not the only one to think they murdered her, by accident overdose yes, but they've got away with it for too long now... Wend Conroy I don't think it was just overdose as that would not explain the blood in the apartment. I think it is likely she woke in a drugged up state and had an accident when trying to look out of the window for her parents Pamela Gurney Did you read the same PJ Files as me then because there is nothing in them including the Attorney general's summing up that says K&G McCann were in any way, shape or form guilty of harming their child. I have followed the case from 4 May 2007. Ask me if you would like the truth. Sam Hadfield If you were truly innocent and wanted to find your baby girl..why refuse a lie detector? They make me feel sick looking at them ![]() ![]() Wend Conroy Pamela I don't know what u are reading but I can assure you that the only conclusion to be drawn from fact and evidence is that the parents are 100% to blame. The attorney general who was told to close the case and do no further investigations into the parents due to politics you mean?! Hmm... you are entitled to your opinion just like everyone else. Chloe Mansfield Pamela ..There is also absolutely no evidence that she was abducted either. Only her mother's claims IMMEDIATELY after she supposedly found her missing. Wayne Zm Hope Those are police sketches of men that the police want to speak to. Gemma Fenton The profile drawing of the man seen Carring a child that night looks just like her father also!! Gemma Fenton The profile drawing of the man seen Carring a child that night looks just like her father also!! Richard Barnes How would you or anybody know, ( apart from the Mcanns) that drugs were not administered; they never found a body!!! Richard Barnes How would you or anybody know, ( apart from the Mcanns) that drugs were not administered; they never found a body!!! Richard Barnes How would you or anybody know, ( apart from the Mcanns) that drugs were not administered; they never found a body!!! Richard Barnes How would you or anybody know, ( apart from the Mcanns) that drugs were not administered; they never found a body!!! Richard Barnes How would you or anybody know, ( apart from the Mcanns) that drugs were not administered; they never found a body!!! Richard Barnes How would you or anybody know, ( apart from the Mcanns) that drugs were not administered; they never found a body!!! David Best Pamela Gurney should have known you'd be here. Protecting this evil pair. Do you get paid for this. A little obsessed imo. H'lee Vurley David Best I wondered how long it'd be till she popped up from under the McCanns rock ![]() ![]() Pamela Gurney Sam Hadfield would you like to go and read Madeleine McCann case: the Real facts where it explains there in detail that the McCanns were never asked by the police to take a lie detector (polygraph) but said if the police requested it they would certainly comply. The man who approached them to do one wa Trisha Goddards polygraph man on her TV show and Kate & gerry asked for assurances about his credential etc and he said they refused to do one. Hardly fair. The police do not use polygraphs in UK or Portugal. Pamela Gurney Richard Barnes Kate was anxious that drugs of some kind might have been administered as the twins did not rouse when the searches and all the GNR and PJ were in the apartment and the OC staff etc. She voiced her fears at that time but did Goncalo Amaral ask for them to be taken to a local hospital to be tested...not on your nelly! Kate had to get them tested when she could. The hair proved no drugs had been administered by the abductors but that doesn't discount the possibility of some form of chloroform being put onto a pad and over their mouths IMO. H'lee Vurley Pamela Gurney so why, if she thought they'd been drugged didn't she take them both to the nearest hospital? Angie Turner Sorry don't believe a word that comes out of kates mouth is true...she is hiding something her face says it all Sam Hadfield I don't want to read it Pamela..the bull crap doesn't interest me in the slightest. If them two selfish people didn't leave them three children ALONE in a hotel room abroad in the first effing place ..then maybe this may not of ever happened! Debbie Jane Kirsten Trot on Mrs Trolley. McCann troll. Just Google Pamela Gurney and it tells you all you need to know about how pathetic she is. David Best Pamela gurney you are disgusting why stick up for people who hid their child's dead body. Debbie Jane Kirsten I can't see her comments thank goodness, but can always tell when she's about. Always spit everywhere.... H'lee Vurley I thought I'd blocked her too but clearly not, she's not saying anything new anyway just repeating her usual mantra, I'm surprised she's not started on the "unreliable" dogs yet David Best I've took screen shot lol she doesn't give up. I can't wait for the day the truth comes out. Pamela's that so far up their arse she probably still stick up for them. Karen Westie Are the police files etc all on-line? If so, do you have a link? Thanks |
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Re:Stinson Hunter chronological Date Posted:12/13/2016 11:56 PMCopy HTML Angie Turner Karen Westie join madeleine mccann abduction or scam plenty to read on there H'lee Vurley Karen Westie they are but I'm not too sure if I'm allowed to post the link without getting sued! Lisa Richardson Pamela Gurney excuse me? Kate got them tested when she could ? What 3 months down the line when she knew as a GP there would no longer be any traces of sedatives ? And also as a GP she should know straight away to take a child that would not wake up through all the commotion to the hospital ? Why didnt she ? Did she know something would show up if they were tested for sedatives. Absolutely ridiculous! Yvonne Smith Yeah the time it took them to get twins tested was to make sure there was no sedatives in their system. Almost the same reason there could never be an autopsy on Maddie which would uncover drugs/sexual abuse.. Joanne Totty How the hell do you no Pamela Gurney what they did? Them as parents failed that little girl by leaving her home alone simple as that. And also if she was abducted they would off took all 3 children Gloria Robinson I for one believe they made a grave error in leaving the children that night but do not think they were in anyway party to Madeleines disappearance! I wouldn't of left my children but having lived abroad have seen how parents are lulled into feeling it's safe to leave their children whilst sitting near by! Charlotte Faye Sullivan Woke up, couldn't find her parents, walked to the only place she knew.. The beach as all kids probably would and the tide was in (which she wouldn't have accounted for) and got swept away by a current ![]() Leanne McDonald In a book written by Kate McCann it explains some facts of quite a few cases up to shortly before Madeline went missing where there were intruders, other guests reporting their children being attacked inside accommodation by a stranger. I think it's only fair to read what reports you can. Really I don't think anyone will ever know the real truth Pamela Gurney Absolutely and the Ocean Club kept those quiet. I feel certain there was inside help in both the burglaries and the abduction of Madeleine McCann. Lisa Richardson What comes out of Kate McCanns mouth and in that book cannot be taken as fact Leanne McDonald I didn't mean or state it was fact-i said there are some facts written in the book regarding reported incidents. You also can't believe what you read in the press -everyone always had their own bias or reasons for reporting to lead people to believe stories and/or create a reaction. Lisa Richardson I in no way believe anything that is written in the press. They and our government are as corrupt as they come. Hilde Swendgaard Our opinions are formed by what we read, see and hear on this case mixed in with our own hearing, reading and seeing stuff all our lives, call it gut for shorthand. Most of that information comes as a result of editorial bias, designed to make us buy, tune in and nothing to do with fact. It's all conjecture. To ask our opinion is pretty pointless. Diane Burdaky I'm shocked at some of the comments. Who made you judge, juror & executioner? They didn't deliberately put their children at risk. Hindsight is a wonderful thing & I'm sure that a day doesn't go by where they don't beat themselves up for their error of judgement on that night. There is absolutely no evidence to support some of your ridiculous claims that somehow the parents are responsible for Madelines murder / disappearance. Unfortunately the initial investigations by the Portugese Police were haphazard and unprofessional resulting in crucial evidence being missed or destroyed. The fact that the McCanns are professional and fairly well off is not a factor in the UK's Police & Social Services investigations exonerating them of charges of neglect. Diane Burdaky In that case why haven't they been charged or had their other children removed from their care? Suddenly everyone is an amateur detective or social worker. The reality is that they have been thoroughly investigated by all the relevant organisations & have been found innocent of these vile and vitriolic accusations made by members of the public who just seem to be haters and are in no way qualified to make such outrageous judgements. Alison Watson Its neglect they neglected all 3 children. Who does that really ? Oh thats right they did. No smoke without fire. Normal parents dont drug and leave their children alone in a foreign country!!! Denise Lamoury I agree - they clearly put their children at risk and we all know the outcome. I also disagree with your comments about affluent parents being treated differently - years working alongside child protection has confirmed that for me Diane Burdaky If your statement was true they would have been arrested, charged & had their children removed from their care. Perhaps you are more qualified than the UK professionals who investigated the case??? Although I doubt it and your statement "There is no smoke without fire" is not exactly a tried & trusted way of defining guilt is it? Gill Sherburn I suggest you read the official case files.. They are freely available online for anyone to read.. They have most certainly NOT been thoroughly investigated. Did you know they have never been questioned by the Uk Police? Kate was interviewed by the Portuguese police and refused to answer the 48 questions put to her. Questions that could potentially have led to the recovery of Madeleine. Not the actions of an innocent parent IN MY OPINION . Refused to take part in a reconstruction that could have massively helped the investigation. Read the files. Alison Watson They have been. A case of a young woman holidaying with her 7 year old son. She left him alone. She was having charges brought against her for neglect ? Normal average working woman. Yet these 2 basically have never ever been held accountable and made how much money off that child. !! Diane Burdaky In that case I suggest you petition the UK government and present all your irrefutable evidence to them Laura Blake Diane Burdaky a number of petitions have been made, but guess what they get deleted. Diane Burdaky Conspiracy theories, deleted evidence, cover ups etc etc. are just speculative and mere gossip. I am open minded (unlike a lot of people on this site) and I am more than willing to change my mind when fact based evidence, gathered by official organisations is presented to me. Diane Burdaky Denise Lamoury If you have personally witnessed any wrong doings or favouritism / discrimination in any situation whereby the well being of a child is compromised then I suggest you report it immediately to the official organisations. Cherry Beresfield Diane Burdaky I seem to recall those who were fighting for justice and truth for Hillsborough were also branded keyboard warriors and conspiracy theorists and they helped the truth to eventually come out. Diane Burdaky So basically you think there has been a huge cover up? Interesting theory. Who know's, you may be right. Your comparison to Hillsborough however is very poor. Emma Green its all available to you!!!!! fact based evidence IS available to you. Diane Burdaky Then please Emma Green point me in the right direction, where I can access fact based official evidence prepared by professional organisations. Diane Burdaky WHERE? Tell me, show me & then maybe my opinion may change if I am presented with FACTS and not suppositions. Vikki Regan They should never have left their children. But they did and a terrible thing happened. We all love a plot a good gossip and most absolutely thrive on finger pointing. But I for one believe the only terrible thing the parents committed was neglect. I genuinely believe she was taken by someone either for trafficking(god let's hope not) or for a family who desperately wanted a child. Although I think the first is more likely as heart breaking as it is. If they were guilty why be so eager to stay in the public eye....how can so many professionals be in their company that specialise in solving crime still not get a whiff?? It's because they didn't do it. Whatever IT is. All the things people see as guilt have perfectly reasonable explanations. If people took the time to logically think about it. The media is bullshit. It's poison and people get sucked in far to easily. It's sickening. All the haters and all the people that have been lead to believe the parents did"it" are obviously not going to be helping. I'll continue to share every positive story about madeleine and hope one day that her parents,family and friends will get the answers they deserve....I hope in my lifetime I'll find out too. #findmadeleinemccann Beca Louise Why was there no Dna from Madeline in that room?? No hair from a hairbrush .. No toothbrush (she shared with the twins) nothing at all viable ?? That screams clean up Beca Louise Why was there no Dna from Madeline in that room?? No hair from a hairbrush .. No toothbrush (she shared with the twins) nothing at all viable ?? That screams clean up Lindsey Green She didn't leave the apartment alive, but they didn't neglect her. There was a member of the tapas lot missing every night from the meal. The Portugese police pulled the statements apart. They wanted the public to believe the neglect theory + abduction. Because no neglect = no abduction. The supposed exit point of the abductor was out of the open window/shutter that was broken, and this was the story they fed to friends and family. Only they failed at the first hurdle. Whoever was on window duty failed to open/break it. Abduction theory blown apart straight away. Oh and the dogs know she died. Vikki Regan So you are telling me all the people that were with them(friends) some of which checked on maddie too have all gone along with the parents story. U find a couple of bad eggs often find each other but 9? I think there were 9 of them. U truly believe that even though not one has cracked or contradicted any part of the investigation?? Lindsey Green Vikki Regan yes the reason will be because there are other members of this group that either were drugging their children to sleep or God forbid something of a sexual nature. I recommend you look up the Gaspar statement about 2 doctors who previously went on holiday with the McCanns and the paynes and witnessed Gerry and David discussing how Madeleine would give blow jobs!!!!!!!!! This was passed on to Leicestershire police who withheld it from Portugese police for about 6 months. Donna Mead Why why why? Too many whys! They lied way too many times, they never searched and continued 'normal life'!, they silenced people, didn't answer questions. The words Kate used in her book about Madeleine!! No decent mother would say what she said! Not exactly the actions of innocent people. Why do they not prove us all wrong and get investigated properly? No parent is innocent when it comes to child neglect. At the very least they should of been charged for this! Jules Baxter How do you reasonably explain all the places the cadaver dogs picked up scent or the washing of Madeleines toy, the conversations between Gerry and his pal that were reported to the police for being sexually explicit about children. The one thing thathas really dawned on me is why would a random kidnapper pop into a random apartment to look to see if there's kids in there, even if he had been observing the family for a while how did he know there wasn't a babysitter in the apartment and above all else, grabbing a kid from an apartment Maddies age would lead to that kid screaming the resort down for mum and dad - a random kidnapper wouldn't have known the kid was drugged and that her screaming wasn't going to be a risk. Jules Baxter As for why they have never been charged I think that's purely down to their medical and forensic knowledge on how to cover things up or have a convincing excuse. Vikki Regan Ok so the police officer who wrote the book. Admiral something or other....this is a man who has been accused more than once. Of forcing confessions out of innocent people. Planting evidence and concocting bullshit stories....my theory is the police fucked up the investigation so much from the start(e.g) not preserving evidence, letting tom dick and Harry come in and out. Not getting the bins checked that were subsequently emptied without being checked. An area that had building work going on was allowed to continue not searched and was concreted over within days....smells fishy to me. Oh shit were embarrassing what can we possibly do to correct this bullshit mess of an investigation!? Oh I know blame the parents. Let's point fingers away from us and get the heat off us asap. That's my thoughts#justsaying Denise Lamoury "Only thing committed was neglect" - Only!??? It led to this whole thing? Sue Sheard I could never understand how two intelligent people could think it was ok to leave your kids alone. Any normal, loving, caring parent would never, ever, ever leave their children alone in this manner. They are guilty whatever way. And why only take one child. Jules Baxter Aside from whether the police messed anything up, how do you silently kidnap a child from an apartment and disappear off through a resort with her! The answer is you can't because the kid would likely scream for her parents - a kidnapper surely would not take this risk!! Vikki Regan Just like all the other kidnapped children of the world ![]() Simon Fox Vikki Regan evidence of an abduction please? And an explanation as to why Kate rang everyone that night saying the shutters had been jemmied when they weren't. When she should have been outside screaming her child's name. Because my first reaction would be she had wandered off looking for me. If Maddie had been in the apartment that is. Jenny McDonald They refused to take a lie detector test. The cadaver dogs indicated a dead body had been behind the sofa and led them to rental car parked streets away with Madeleine's blood in it. Read The lead investigator from Portugals story. He told it because the McCann's lawyers had gagging orders out on British press. It's always been a cover up. Lindsey Green Goncarlo Amaral will hopefully be suing their arses off very soon when he wins!!! They've ruined his life and he'll now hopefully make them accountable for everything they have put him through! Cheryl May Cox Vikki Regan English officers bought dogs over that picked up the scent of death and maddies DNA in the Mccanns hire car that was hired 3 weeks after her disappearance ? Also blood and the smell of death in the apartment. The smell of death on cuddle cat and Kate's clothes! How's that possible if they had nothing to do with her death. Vikki Regan 3 weeks later though? Something's do not add up on both sides. But I still believe they didn't kill or plot a kidnap Helen Kirsty Antcliff The car was hired 3 weeks after Madeleine was reported missing. How can the blood and cadaver be explained? Especially since it was also alerted to on Madeleine's toy, Kent McCanns clothes, a child's t-shirt and inside and outside of their appartment? No where else. Pamela Gurney Beca Louise Madeleine had her own toothbrush but it could not be used because there was a great likelihood that the twins would have picked it up as they rushed to clean their teeth and it would be contaminated with their DNA. That is why a control sample was needed and the pillowcase was taken by Leicester police and given to the forenisc team. Pamela Gurney Cheryl May Cox No scent of death in the hire car at all. read John Lowe's report where he says the results were from between 3 - 5 people. That means it was as likely to have come from his technicians in the lab he said as Madeleine. We all share 99.9% of our DNA. But if there was DNA from Madeleine it may well have come from skin but BLOOD NO. there was NO BLOOD IN THE HIRE CAR....apart from gerry;s on the key fob. Libby Duncanson Pamela Gurney Why did they lie about the shutters being jemmied Lisa Richardson Pamela Gurney did u not watch martin grimes video with the dogs alerting in the car or have i imagined the whole thing ? Pamela Gurney Vikki Regan you learned all you know from nefarious hate groups. Pamela Gurney Lisa Richardson watch the full length version. We have watched it so many times. the dogs are cued of that there is no doubt. the car in the underground car park had a sticker with Madeleine in the window and the dog ignored it until Martin called it back. Watch the full length version as I said. Jules Armstrong Madeline Mccan abduction or scam group on Facebook really opened my eyes about these two evil people Donna Hanvey Quilty no matter what...they had a responsibility to that poor girl...in this country they would have been sentenced. You can't even leave your child to go to the local shop for 5 mins ffs.... Debi Lofty I have always wondered why the McCanns were never up in court. For neglect of their children, as first and foremost that is what happened FACT! I then believe that there was some form of sedative found in the room....fact or fiction? I don't know but why on earth would you take it on holiday unless you medically needed it. There is a lot of conflicting stories out there, I do feel for the McCanns as they have lost their daughter and she still isn't found BUT if they hadn't neglected their children in the first place it would never have happened! On top of this they have then cashed in on their story- wrote a book and done various fundraisers which haven't really got them anywhere (correct me if I am wrong there). I sympathise mainly with poor maddie, What sort of life is she having at the hands of her abductor? If her parents weren't as self centred indulging in their own personal experiences whilst on holiday maybe she would still be with them. I do hope one day she is found alive and well but I also believe that her parents should have had some form of investigation by social services back in the UK. I feel that because they are of a professional rank which they are that this has been massively overlooked! Joe Breen If it was anyone else they would be behind bars and their other children taken away.becuase these vile people have freinds with benefits they haven't even been brought up against neglect charges... who leave they children alone on a foreign place ... this is disregard the kadiver dogs and Portuguese detectives findings...... the whole thing is a media farce Jules Armstrong Both guilty. What mother knowing her child is missing washes her teddy? Huge cover up by our own government too protecting these two evil people. Who drugs their child to go out drinking Holly Maher Its the child i feel sorry for!!! At the end of the day they have to live with this!!! Know one knows if they did it or not ya cant belive every story the media gives us!!! Eva Rawlins DEFINITELY LOOK AT THE JUSTICE FOR MADELINE PAGE ON FB. There are many, many posts, films, insights etc which certainly offer food for thought. Nicola Boshell There is a page on Facebook I'm in the group it's called Madeline McCann abduction or a scam have a read even phycologist examine the parents behaviour and believe they are to blame I spent hours reading all the professionals take on it and it all points to Kate & Jerry plz read Stinson Hunter you won't be DISSAPOINTED . Xx Nicole Denby Their lawyers are Carter Ruck- General Pinochet also used these lawyers in his defence. They have spent more time in court suing people than physically searching... Pippa J Hare There are many questions that i think the parents should answer and the police. why did they drug their children to put them into a sedation when they went out using drugs they took from work. they were never prosecuted for this? why after madeline went missing did they change their hire car. Wouldn't this be the last thing on your mind. why did they turn down the police from the UK to be in charge with the case and instead chose the Portuguese to run the case? why did kate after realising madeleine had gone did she leave the twins alone in the room to tell the rest of the group? surely you wouldnt let them out your site after 1 of your children were missing and admitting to police you knew straight away madeline had been abducted. why did kate inform the media of madeline going missing? it was known within the family that kate struggled with her children and considered giving custody of madeline to a reletaive. human blood was found by the sniffer dog behind the sofa in their room and the boot of their hire car. when kate was questioned by police she used the 'no comment' procedure. Wouldn't you answer all questions to help find your daughter no matter how insignificant it is? so many questions unanswered..... Pamela Gurney They have answered the PJ and Operation Grange, neither force are looking at them as the perpetrators of any crime against Madeleine. No drugs were ever used by the Mccanns on the children. FORUM MYTHS! Pamela Gurney They didn't change their hire car either! The one they had was the only one they had for the duration AFTER Madeleine went missing. Andrew McAllister What's your view on the dogs Pamela Gurney? You seem to know a lot about it all. Elizabeth Yeomans They hired the car after madeleine went missing. So why did the cadaver dogs detect her scent in this car?? Emma Adams 17 out of 19 dna markers also matched her dna (apartment blood)....only reason the other 2 didnt "match up" was because they where destroyed by the attempts to clean away evidence!! Mary Martin Gerry + Kate have never been cleared,they are still suspects in Portugal Pamela Gurney Andrew McAllister I have answered on the dogs a number of times tonight but for you here goes again. The dogs I do not believe found cadaver odour in apt 5a or on anything to do with the McCanns. They have been given a glowing reputatation they do not deserve. They did not solve 200 cases with 100% accuracy because they never went out on 200 searches. They were put through tests Grime says and attained accuracy on those which is where he gets the 200 from. One such thing was whether they reacted to pork based products. I think the entire SYP handlers only had 85 cases between them up to that date. Eddie & Keela found 1 body in their entire working career for SYP. Pamela Gurney Mary Martin No Mary they are not suspects in Portugal any longer nor in UK. Mandy Jane Slater Read the PJ files and watch Richard Halls documentary also read all the stuff on Madeleine Mcann abduction or scam Seán Comiskey All i know is, if this had of been a single mother from a council estate in Wigan, then there would have been no media backing, no book deal, no tv appearances. Just a custodial sentence for neglect. Pamela Gurney The media would have been there for you in much the same way as it was all around the Mccanns flashing lights in their faces every single day. It was NEWS and the media have made a mint out of it and still do. Mary Martin The Mccanns phoned their friends in Britain to in form the media,,,,,Kate said it was too cold and dark to go look for her child Mary Martin Granny Mccann said "that one could throw a tantrum" about her own granddaughter who was supposedly in the hands of pedo's according to Gerry. Rosie Pew I would suggest everyone take a peek at the 'find Madeline'fundraising page.A limited company.View at your leisure the various,mugs,t shirts,vests,keyrings,passport covers etc which you can purchase.I've tried to find similar sites for other abducted children ie Ben Needham.Nope zero......... Linda Deborah Jones Hickenbotham You want to live in the same village ( rothley) Naomi Coltman Rodmell I've watched a video about the evidence etc and I do believe there is something sinister going on I believe (my opinion not necessarily the truth) that the parents drugged her with capol or something similar (Kate admitted using this regularly) so that she would not wake so they could have adult time out and possibly overdosed her they then obviously covered it up there is something really sinister about the case their reactions etc it's very interesting to research into all I can say is one day we will possibly know the truth..... Danielle Cherie Ballinger What always has got to me is if I left my daughter for a night to go out for a meal I'd doing a lengthy prison sentence for it, I don't understand why they were never charged for that. Personally I think the parents are guilty of something maybe have her to much of whatever they were giving the kids to sleep and killed her I do believe if this is the case I think it was a accident. I hope one day we will know the truth! X Mark Stevenson If you overdose your child with a sedative what would you say .?"......????? Doctor MCcann Jasmine Brudenall The truth of the lie. I actually was all about the parents but when I read that book by the detective I really got into it. Something doesn't smell right. And they also think one of their friends was a peadophile. A friend of theirs spoke to a detective I should say ex friend that discussions about children were inappropriate at the dinner table. Very interesting book and I don't really think u can get better than that. They tried to ban the book (the mcanns) but it wasn't classed as slander as it is only facts about the case Emma Deighan No one knows what happened no matter how many case files you've read or how many qualifications in armchair detection you may have.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mandy Millis My opinion is very simple, I saw the mother on tv grieving, she looked so ill, grey and heartbroken and had lost a lot of weight. I don't believe anyone could act that out no matter how many baftas they'd received. A lot of people like to blame them, they made a huge mistake by leaving their kids that's true but it's not like they were miles away ... however I'm not saying that was ok . What did they have to gain by being involved? Why would you want that on your conscience ? I don't believe that the mother was involved that's for sure !!! Linda Muscat Well I couldn't talk on or off camera if my child went is sing I'd be inconsolable. She has never let her face drop at all.never a quiver in her voice. Why take the older child who would be harder to hide and more likely to put up a fight or cry??? How can they write and publish a book I sure as he'll wouldn't buy it. Definitely think they have done it have felt it all along. They show no emotion. |
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Re:Stinson Hunter chronological Date Posted:12/13/2016 11:57 PMCopy HTML Pamela Gurney The older child, Madeleine could be consoled with "we are taking you to find Mummy" and she would not need nappies nor special food. In any case we feel strongly the order was for a blonde 4 year old girl as an attempt had been made on Nuno Lourenco's daughter just days before Madeleine. had she been successfully taken probably Madeleine would not have been. Sarah-jane Dunse I'm not defending them but many parents go on tv to do news appeals when their kid is missing. Does that mean they are all guilty too? 50 of 496 |