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Date Posted:03/17/2012 12:02 PMCopy HTML


This information belongs to the Ministério Público in Portimão, Portugal.
It was released to the public on 4 August 2008 in accordance with Portuguese Law

The Book Madeleine by Kate McCann Page 57

From “Madeleine” by Kate McCann: 


It wasn’t until a year later, when I was combing through the Portuguese police files, that I discovered that the note requesting our block booking was written in a staff message book, which sat on a desk at the pool reception for most of the day. This book was by definition accessible to all staff and, albeit unintentionally, probably to guests and visitors, too. To my horror, I saw that, no doubt in all innocence and simply to explain why she was bending the rules a bit, the receptionist had added the reason for our request: we wanted to eat close to our apartments as we were leaving our young children alone there and checking on them intermittently. 


The note mentioned is not on the DVD although Tapas reservation lists are here: tapas bookings


With thanks to Albym :
As requested, the list of pages pulled from the files. I haven't done a full literal translation but essentially:
- Category A
relate to people identified during the inquiry whose possible link to the events is extremely unlikely (the most tenuous) and whose right to privacy would be infringed if their personal information were left on file (basically the 'pervy percy' list).
- Category B
relate to crimestopper data with respect to sightings, the TV program having guaranteed anonymity.
- Category C
relate to information from people - often criminals or having a criminal history - that was volunteered by them and they should not be put at risk for having come forward.

You will notice that in the DVD forum Volume-by-Volume Index there are occasional notes on missing pages. Those that I have checked relate to pages withdrawn in accordance with these instructions.

PROCURADORIA DA REPUBLICA Circulo Judicial de Portimao

Conclusao em 23-7-2008


Tendo em conta o teor do douto Despacho de fls. 4655/4657 e concretizando, vem o MoPo expor a V. Exa. o seguinte:

A - No Inquerito ha passagens que contem informacoes que podem contender com o direito a reserva da vida privada de pessoas, nao so cidadaos ingleses, relativamente as quais nao se apurou o mais tenue indicio de implicacao nos presentes autos que se indicam

Volume I, fls. 211/212: referencia a individuo com passado ligado a crimes de natureza sexual de menores.

Volume II,
- fls. 293/297: constitui uma listagem de individuos relacionados com a pratica de crimes sexuais com menores e adolescentes.
- fls. 298/300: referencia a individuo conotado com a pratica de actos de pedofilia e exibicionismo;
- fls. 473/474: referencia a individuo conotado com a pratica de actos de exibicionismo.

Volume III, fls. 754/757: informasao e ficha bibliografica relativa a cidadao relacionado com actos de pedofilia.

Volume V, fls. 1246/1254: listagem resultante da pesquisa efectuada na Base de dados da PJ relativa a individuos de nacionalidade estrangeira e conotados com abuso sexual de menores e pedofilia.

Volume XV,
- fls. 4085/4100: referencia a cidadao portugues com semelhansas fisicas com o retrato robot, com ficha policial onde constam condenasoes por roubo, violasao e sequestro.
- fls. 4102/4110: identificasao de individuo ingles com semelhansas fisicas com o retrato robot.
- fls. 4116/4127: diligencias realizadas com um individuo referenciado pela pratica de um crime de abuso sexual de menores, com registo policial e condenasoes pelo mesmo crime.

Volume XVI, fls. 4130/4132: referencia a cidadao frances com semelhancas fisicas ao retrato robot.

Relativamente a materia que consta nas fls. referidas e pelos motivos indicados, porque entendemos que deve permanecer em segredo de justica, p. o seu desentranhamento, ficando em sua substituicao a sumula do que nas mesmas constava e a constituicao de um Apenso a ficar a guarda da Entidade considerada competente para a sua guarda, com a finalidade unica de comprovar a sua existencia, nos termos do disposto no artigo 86 no 7 do CPP.

B - Relativamente aos Crimestoppers constam os mesmos do Apenso V como se discrimina:

Alby translation of above

Portimao Circuit of the Office of the Procurator of the Republic

Conclusion on 23/07/2008

CLS = =

Taking into account the content of the 'Despacho' set out on pages 4655/4657, the MoPo (Ministerio Publico) submits to Your Honour the following:

A - In the inquiry there are passages that contain information that can contend with the right to private life of people, not only British citizens, for whom there was found not the faintest hint of implication in this case, namely:

Volume I, fls. 211/212: reference to an individual with a past linked to crimes of a sexual nature with children.

Volume II
- Fls. 293/297: is a list of individuals connected with the practice of sex crimes with minors and adolescents.
- Fls. 298/300: reference to an individual linked with the practice of acts of pedophilia and exhibitionism;
- Fls. 473/474: reference to an individual linked with the practice of acts of exhibitionism.

Volume III, fls. 754/757: information and bibliographic record of a citizen in connection with acts of paedophilia.

Volume V, fls. 1246/1254: list resulting from the search carried out in the PJ Database related to individuals of foreign nationality and linked with child sexual abuse and paedophilia.

Volume XV
- Fls. 4085/4100: reference to a Portuguese citizen having physical similarities to the portrait (e-fit), with police record showing convictions for robbery, rape and kidnapping.
- Fls. 4102/4110: identification of an English individual having physical similarities to the portrait (e-fit).
- Fls. 4116/4127: work performed with an individual known through the practice of a crime of sexual abuse of minors, having a police record and convictions for that same crime.

Volume XVI, fls. 4130/4132: reference to a French citizen with physical similarities to the portrait (e-fit).

Regarding the material contained in those pages and for the reasons given, because we believe that, after their removal, the [rule of] judicial secrecy should remain, replacing it [the material] with a summary of what they [the pages] contained and the creation of an Appendix [Annexure file] to remain in the custody of an entity considered competent for its custody [safe-keeping], for the single purpose of demonstrating its existence, in terms of the requirement of Article 86 (7) of the CPP.

B - Crimestoppers information contained in Appendix V is as follows:

Volume I: fls. 41/45; 167/168; 170/172; 221; 224; 236 a 242; 244.

Volume II: fls. 287/288; 290; 323/327; 330; 341/345; 401/402; 405/409; 416/418; 423; 426/428.

Volume III: fls. 430/431; 441/442; 447/450; 475/479; 482/484; 488/492; 500/504; 513/514; 530/531; 549/550.

Volume IV: 669/670; 672; 794; 800; 803/804; 812; 866/869.

Volume V: 909/912; 914/916; 949; 955/957; 959; 971/972; 980; 999/1001; 1007; 1034/1037; 1057/1058; 1059/1061; 1064; 1076/1077.

Volume VI: fls. 1168; 1227/1228; 1282/1284; 1296/1298; 1304/1307; 1310/1312; 1336/1338.

Volume VII: fls. 1439/1444; 1453/1459; 1465/1466; 1504/1507; 1512/1514; 1520/1523; 1593/1594; 1597; 1616/1618; 1621/1624; 1627A/1627B; 1627D/1627F; 1627H/16273.

Volume VIII: fls. 1738/1740; 1744/1748; 1752/1754; 1770/1777; 1799/1801; 1823/1824; 1862/1863; 1911/1913; 1925; 1931/1932; 1947; 1964/1968; 1990/1993; 2006/2008; 2043/2044; 2050/2055; 2058/2060; 2066/2067; 2079/2080.

Volume X: fls. 2135/2136; 2163/2164; 2168/2170; 2172/2173; 2257/2259; 2261/2266; 2283/2285; 2301/2302; 2319/321; 2354/2356.

Volume XI: fls. 2411/2412; 2415/2416; 2419/2420; 2427/2428; 2432/2433; 2436/2440; 2504/2505; 2529.

Volume XII: fls. 2552; 2557; 2589/2590; 2607/2609; 267972680; 2712; 2717; 2722/2723.

Volume XIII: fls. 2769; 2776; 2782; 278572786; 2823; 2845/2846.

Tendo em conta que a essencia do programa crimestoppers e o anonimato, criando-se uma confianca entre a fonte e a policia, tendo ainda em conta que por vezes nao consta a identificacao da fonte, mas consta o seu e-mail, porque entendemos que devem permanecer em segredo de justica p. que as fls. referidas sejam igualmente desentranhadas e juntas ao Apenso referido anteriormente em A, a ficar a guarda da Entidade considerada competente para a sua guarda, com a finalidade unica de comprovar a sua existencia, nos termos do disposto no artigo 86 no 7 do CPP.

C - Finalmente ha a referir o Apenso VI - 2: trata-se de diligencias e exploracao de informacao referente a criminalidade eventualmente relevante bem assim como um levantamento da criminalidade localizada e criminalidade de cariz sexual. As informacoes tratadas, chegaram a PJ por conhecimento proprio, atraves das autoridades britanicas e por outras fontes, sendo constituido por cinco volumes, contendo igualmente informacoes que podem contender com o direito a deserva da vida privada de pessoas, pelo que permanecerem nos autos seria uma violacao dos direitos dessas mesmas pessoas, sendo certo que nada se apurou relacionado com o objecto destes autos.

Assim entendemos igualmente que devem manter-se em segredo de justice, mais promovendo que sejam os mesmos desapensados dos autos e sejam colocados a guarda da entidade considerada competente para a sua guarda, nos termos do disposto no artigo 86 no 7 do CPP.

 Alby translation of above

Taking into account that the essence of the Crimestoppers program is anonymity, creating a trust between the source and the police, and taking into account further that sometimes the identification of the source is not revealed, other than its e-mail address, because we believe that the rule of judicial secrecy should remain then those pages would also be removed and placed together in the Appendix previously mentioned in A above, to remain in the custody of the entity considered competent for its safe-keeping, for the sole purpose of demonstrating its existence, pursuant to Article 86(7) of the CPP.

C - Finally one has to refer to Attachment VI - 2: it holds work and exploitation of information regarding any possibly relevant crime as well as a survey of localised crime and crime of a sexual character. The intelligence obtained, coming to the PJ from their own knowledge base, through the British authorities and by other sources, consisting of five volumes, also contains information that can contend with the right to a private life of persons, such that its remaining in the case file would be a violation of the rights of those same people, it being certain that nothing was found relating to the purpose of this case file.

Thus we believe, in the same way, that they should be kept under the rule of judicial secrecy, further moving that they be extracted from the case file and be placed in the custody of the entity considered competent for their safe-keeping, pursuant to Article 86(7) of the CPP.

Processo Volume XIII, Page 3909
Document missing from DVD: Processo Volume XIII, Page 3909.
In a memorandum dated 24 October 2007 (Processo Volume XIII, Page 3909) reference is made to a document written by Dr David Payne which document had been read carefully by British Detective Constable Mike Marshall, the author of the memorandum. KATERINA PAYNE INCIDENT
The document written by Dr Payne is not in the DVD.

There is only one statement from DP to PJ on the DVD unlike other T7 members. Possibly he made more then one

3981 Information document Information that sex offenders listed on pages 293 to 300 were investigated in minute detail and nothing was found relating to the case of the missing child, Madeleine. 2 November 2007.
13-Processos Vol XIII Page 3981

NUIPC 201 07.0 GALGS
4 Brigada


Concerning the information in Folios 293-300, I can inform you that in spite having carefully explored and analysed with minute detail, nothing useful was found of interest to the investigation. In spite of the individuals mentioned having criminal pasts linked to illegal practices of a sexual nature, no relation was detected with the disappearance of the British child, Madeleine McCann.

Portimao, 2nd November 2007

Joao Carlos

Note: Pages 293 - 300 are missing from the DVD.

Further documents missing from the DVD.


Statements missing from UK holiday makers:


Original statement taken on 17th May 2007 by a UK Police Officer:

<!-- l -->
Stephen Carpenter original

Rajinder Balu.

Rogatory statement refers to ?original statements?:

Rajinder Balu. original<!-- l -->

Neil Berry

Rogatory statement refers to ?original statement?:

Neil Berry original

<!-- l -->
Carolyn Carpenter

Rogatory interview not included in DVD:

2. Page 18 Interview Carolyn Elizabeth CARPENTER, she was interviewed on 21st April 2008, the interview was recorded on DVD, please see enclosed 1 copy of the transcript, 1 copy of the DVD, 1 copy of her statement and a copy of the
Detective's statement evidencing the interview.

Carolyn Carpenter page 18<!-- l -->

Carole Tranmer

Original interview and identikit not included in DVD:

In the interview of Carole Tranmer on 22nd April 2008, as recorded on DVD, reference is made more than once to a statement given by her to Leics police on 8 May 2007, and to an identikit that was created with the assistance of a police officer from Reading.

<!-- l -->Carole Tranmer transcript

Other documents mising from the DVD:

11. Page 57 (PJ RefXVII) Request to provide Madeleine McCann's dental records. A copy of the dental records was obtained on 15th May 2008, and is enclosed. A statement producing these as an exhibit is also enclosed.

<!-- l -->provide Madeleine McCann's dental records


112 OC workers were questioned, amongst them some of English nationality and with the use of interpreters.

In addition, formal questioning was made of English employees most involved, from the MW company -?15 child care workers and two tennis instructors. Also eleven informal questionings with employees who carry out other types of activity. In total, 28 persons. Due to their absence, three individuals were not questioned, Euan Crosby, Steven Jackson and Emma Knights respectively.

Total of individuals questioned was 143, 15 of which were names corresponding to child care workers or "nannies".

Mark Warner Staff<!-- l -->

No formal statements from the following in the DVD:

Processo 04 page 852<!-- m --><!-- m -->

Euan Crosby OC Beach Manager
Nathan Daniel Francis Scarll [or Scarf] Waterfront Manager
Robert Cook Driver/Maintenance
Stephen Steve] Edward Carruthers Dual Qualified Instructor
Claire Louise Bennet Dual Qualified Instructor
Bollen Godsmark  Dual Qualified Instructor 04_VOLUME_IVa_Page_866.
Clare Hicks Dual Qualified Instructor
Lauren Hilder-Darling Dual Qualified Instructor
Steven Jackson Dual Qualified Instructor
Elizabeth Miles Ocean Club nanny
Fraser Calum Nixon [or Nickson] Dual Qualified Instructor
Mark Shult Ocean Club nanny
Sarah Jane Tily Ocean Club nanny
Benjamin Wilkins Dinghy Instructor
Alice_Louise_Stanley  Assistant Instructor  04_VOLUME_IVa_Page_864.
Chris Unsworth Windsurf Instructor
Robert Ragone OC Kids Chef
Jackie McConnel OC nanny

(Note the last two only began work at the OC on 7th June 2007)

Some of the above are mentioned in this service note with details of informal conversations with certain OC staff members.
Service information 856 to 858 <!-- l -->

Anexo  missing from DVD


DVD location: "Outros Apensos"File: "Relatorio de analise dos primeiros 11 volumes"
Missing pages from detailed activity analysis reports
1 - Anexo 17:

Analysis of first round of witness statements

Time period 17:30 to 19:59 on 3 May 2007

2 - Anexo 19:

Analysis of first round of witness statements

Time period 21:00 to 21:59 on 3 May 2007

3 - Anexo 30:

Analysis of second round of witness statements

Time period 21:00 to 21:59 on 3 May 2007

4 - Anexo 37:

Analysis of phone contacts of Tapas 9

Dates from 28 April to 1 May 2007 inclusive

5 - Anexo 55:

Analysis of phone contacts of Tapas 9

Time period 22:00 to 22:59 on 4 May 2007

6 - Anexo 61:

Analysis of events described by McCann parents

Date 3 May 2007

7 - Anexos 63 and 64:

Analysis of creche registers

Dated 30 April (Anexo 63) and 1 May (Anexo 64) 

01 - Collection of information re: Possible Madeleine sightings
Outros Apensos VIII, Vol I Page 1

Policia Judiciaria

Apenso VIII

Outros Apensos VIII, Vol I Page 1

Considering the different hypotheses raised by the disappearance of the girl, Madeleine McCann, information relating to possible modes of transport/escape by territorial means (roads and railways), maritime and air routes was collected and analysed, which is included in this Apenso, no positive result having been found at the present moment.

Equally, information/photographs delivered by individuals who were on holiday in the area of the occurrence of events and obtained by this police force from some hotel establishments was explored, which, after being visualised, did not lead to any element pertinent to the case.

It is hereby consigned that some of the information incorporated in this Apenso has associated material in digital format and considering its sensitivity and preservation, it has been stored, duly identified in relation to the respective locations, in a box designated for this purpose, thereby constituting an annex to this Apenso.

 01 TO 14 Analysis September 2007

02-09-OUTROS APENSOS II (FILE 09) pages 01 to 14


From the Brigade for Information Analysis report:
At about 23.30 a white fair haired man aged about 30, one of the friends of the McCann group was seen by Valerie Kerr and her family when he asked them if they had seen Madeleine. They were near to the chapel. Valerie and Laura returned to their apartment, changed clothes and went to help with the search.
No statement from the Kerr family in the files

4692 to 4706 - Letter to the Tribunal from lawyers acting for ACPO
17 Processos Vol XVII Pages 4692 - 4706
4692 to 4706 - Letter to the Tribunal from lawyers acting for ACPO

Letter from lawyers representing British police forces requesting that certain documentation from UK police files be withheld from the DVD for public release.

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